Providing/Removing Liquidity

ow to Provide Liquidity

Standard GM Method

  1. Purchase GM Tokens: Acquire GM tokens such as gmBTC, gmETH, gmSOL, or gmUSDC-USDT from GMX.

  2. Connect Your Wallet: Link the wallet you used in step 1 to the GMI dApp.

  3. Initiate Deposit: Navigate to the "Buy GMI" tab. Select your GM token from the dropdown, enter the amount to deposit into the Index, and click/tap "Approve". Approve the transaction in your wallet.

  4. Complete Transaction: Once approved, the "Approve" button will switch to "Buy GMI". Click this and sign the transaction in your wallet to pay the deposit fee and mint GMI tokens in proportion to the GM tokens deposited.

Alternate USDC Zapping Method

  1. Connect a Wallet with USDC: Link a wallet containing USDC to the GMI dApp.

  2. Initiate Deposit with USDC: In the "Buy GMI" tab, select USDC from the dropdown, enter the desired amount, and click/tap "Approve". Approve the transaction in your wallet.

  3. Complete Transaction: After approval, click the transformed "Buy GMI" button and sign the transaction to pay the deposit fee and mint GMI. The USDC will automatically convert into the asset that optimizes your fee (zapping).

How to Remove Liquidity

  1. Verify GMI Tokens in Wallet: Ensure you have GMI tokens available in your wallet.

  2. Connect Your Wallet to GMI: Access the GMI dApp with your wallet.

  3. Initiate Withdrawal: In the "Sell GMI" tab, choose the GM token you desire in exchange. Click/tap the “Sell GMI” button.

  4. Complete Withdrawal: Sign the transaction in your wallet to pay the withdrawal fee. Your GMI tokens will be burned, and the selected GM tokens will be transferred to your wallet.

Note on Liquidity Availability: When removing liquidity, ensure there is sufficient market liquidity for the GM token you wish to receive. If liquidity is low, consider waiting for additional deposits or select a different GM token for withdrawal.

This structured approach provides clear, step-by-step instructions for providing and removing liquidity, making it easier for users to navigate the processes and understand the terms involved, like zapping and fee structures.

Last updated